2 High Intensity Football Specific Sessions Per Week - £11 per week
Sign up to receive access to your first 2 sessions today then gain access to 2 new sessions every 7 days!
The first 2 sessions you will receive are specifically designed to introduce you to our online program based on your current skill level, to allow you to carefully focus on the execution of the exercises and prepare you for the next stage of this program. From session 3 onwards, all sessions will give players the option of doing a Fundamental variation, or an Advanced variation of each exercise, so regardless of the package you choose below, you will have chance to make the best choice for you!
Gold Options
Online Training

Designed to provide more challenging exercises for those who have mastered the fundamentals of the game and require a higher degree of difficulty.

Designed to hammer home the basics of the game, and give players a good foundation to accelerate their development. We recommend this for players who are new to the game and/or still developing the basics.
Frequently Asked Questions
To access your sessions go to the log in page by clicking HERE – You will be asked to enter your username and password that you created when purchasing your subscription. Once logged in, you will be taken to your “Player Profile”. On this page you will see a section called “My Courses” which will show which course level you are subscribed to. Click on that course, then you will be taken to a page which shows you all the sessions. Click the session you wish to view, and the video will appear ready to watch.
Mark “Complete” after you have completed the session to track your progress. Access to new sessions will be given every 7 days after the date of your purchase.
Your selection is only relevant for the first 2 sessions. Your first 2 sessions will be specific to your selection to allow you to get used to the format, and work at a speed appropriate for you. From session 3 onwards, everyone receives the same videos, with variations for fundamental, and for Advanced, so our players can give either variation a go regardless of your initial selection. We did not want to limit anyone’s development in the long run!
Fundamentals – Designed to hammer home the basics of the game
Advanced – Designed to provide more of a challenge for those who have mastered the fundamentals
If after reading this you are still unsure, we would advise you to select the “Fundamentals” option and then from session 3 onwards, you can choose to take on advanced variations as and when you feel up to the challenge!